Important Message from our Health Office

Guidelines for when to keep your student at home:
Temperature: Your child must not be in school and be fever free for 24 hours before a school return.
Vomiting: Your child must NOT have vomited for 24 hours before a school return.
Nasal Discharge: Continuous nasal discharge increases the risk of illness to other children and staff. Please keep child at home.
Troublesome Cough
Contagious Diseases: Your child must stay at home when showing symptoms of a contagious disease such as strep throat, pink eye, flu, impetigo, ringworm, coughing, and rash (this is not an inclusive list), and you must notify the school of any contagious disease your child has. If you are not sure and have questions, please call your child's school. Let's work together at this busy time of year to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit!