Julie Poladian » Summer Resources

Summer Resources

1. READ BOOKS everyday! It is important that your child practices reading "just right books" (not too frustrating) about 20 minutes daily.
2. Read aloud or LISTEN to more complex books (e.g. chapter books) to develop vocabulary and listening comprehension skills.
3. Develop automaticity with numbers and math facts by playing CARDS, DICE, and other BOARD GAMES.
4. Remember that a strong, healthy body with well-developed physical skills often correlates with a strong and well-developed mind.  Find opportunities for your child to develop GROSS & FINE MOTOR SKILLS: running, bike-riding, swimming, climbing, cutting, drawing, etc.
5. Practice WRITING by keeping a summer journal. Allow your child the freedom to record and create; however, for a rising 2nd grader, gentle reminders to use accurate spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are OK. 
6. Work on ATTENTION and COOPERATION, especially with following 3- to 5-step directions quickly. "Please go get your shoes, put them on, and meet me outside."
7. Practice good MANNERS, like "please," "thank you," "excuse me."
8. Talk about SOCIAL SKILLS, like sharing, taking turns, positive words, and handling frustration or anger.
9. Help your child be INDEPENDENT and take RESPONSIBILITY: clean up messes, tie his/her shoes, get his/her own snacks, and help with simple household shores.
10. Use SCREEN TIME productively. Use the Online & App Core & Enrichment Resources that we have used during the school year; they should work most of the summer!