About Us

The mission of William L. Valentine Elementary School, in partnership with parents and community, is to provide students with an academically focused program in a positive and caring learning environment. Using broad-based curriculum and support programs, we strive to empower our students for future success by providing student self-worth, social responsibility, and respect for individual differences. With a population of 625 students, Valentine Elementary School maintains a challenging educational program that is closely matched with the developmental stages and educational needs of the children. Instruction is grounded in rigorous content and performance standards and curriculum that go far beyond the basics. Students become competent in using the tools of critical thinking and communication as they learn to become literate seekers of knowledge, effective users of ideas, information, communication, and problem solving. These skills are applied in core content areas including reading/English-language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, visual and performing arts, and health/physical education. Well trained professionals effectively use high quality instructional tools, including readily available technology. Good citizenship and personal accountability for behavior are an integrated part of every activity. All students have equal access to the core and co-curriculum. Those with special needs (English learners, gifted/talented, and learning disabled) receive specialized support, both in the mainstream and special programs, that is designed to access the core curriculum in ways that best suit individual learning styles and needs. Interesting and creative teaching and learning occur in a safe environment where positive attitudes and behavior are expected and achieved.